As we loaded the boat, we were treated to a pod of orca passing by, a great way to start the weekend.
We had a great weekend, enjoying a grand potluck, sing-a-long, margaritas, and even a blind dingy race, before departing on Sunday morning. What a great facility!
Luckily, Amy brought along a belated boat-warming gift - a hand-crank blender!! Very fitting - given the well known affinity that sailors have for rum. YEAHHH!! We enjoyed the fruits of our labours all the weekend long!!
We decided to risk
So we anchored for the night, in the protection of Heriot Bay, and enjoyed an evening at anchor. The wind came up, just as promised in the morning, and although we poked out into the channel and slammed into the weather for an hour or so, we knew that going around the point would expose us to tide vs wind...a losing combination. So we headed back to the protection of the bay, and enjoyed a well-earned brunch at the local pub. Soon after, a taxi took to the ferry terminal. John and Ken would return later in the week to bring the boat home.
Little did we know that this would be the only weekend trip of the year!