It seems like a big storm on the Pacific coast of the US has caused some repercussions for unusual weather down here. But we're not suffering too badly as we wait. We've been island hopping, as we wait for the weather to turn around. Most of our days are spent snorkeling, John is learning to spear fish (score so far - John-2; fish-8+), we've done lots of walking on beautiful white beaches, and exploring in the dinghy. We've even had some productive moments - I touched up the brightwork, we scrubbed the ecosystem off our hull and keel, and generally cleaning up and organizing the boat. Mind you, we're also spending a lot of time being very unproductive - reading and general laziness.
This mushroom rock at Balandra Bay eventually eroded and toppled over. But not to fear - these clever Mexicans are on the case. Nothing a little rebar and cement won't fix!
It's possible that we may have an opportunity to cross to the mainland tomorrow. We may choose a shorter route to Mazatlan, as the weather is somewhat unstable still. Our fresh veggies are getting slim, so we're already diving into our canned goods. Oh well...lots of places to shop on the mainland.