Tuesday, April 24, 2012


April 23

Yokwe from the Atoll of Maloelap! We spent Saturday on the island of Taroa
in the atoll of Maloelap having arrived the night before.

We had good winds and favourable conditions on our passage to Maloelap, if
not good luck with the fish. We lost 3 fish including at least 2 big ones,
one right next to the boat and another that snapped the 250 lb test line
like it was nothing. John thinks it must have been a big game fish :-0 oh
well probably for the best as we would have nowhere to put a large catch
anyways! We did manage to catch a small Rainbow Runner. About the size and
shape of a 5 lb salmon but with a flaky white meat similar to cod, it made
for a tasty dinner that night!

Yesterday was spent taking it easy. A tour of the island by our on-board
WWII historian Captain John. John had previously explored the island and
found many of the numerous leftover bunkers, artillery guns, fortifications,
and planes. The captain had even managed to previously download survey maps
and military records to help with his future role as tour guide. I found it
quite amazing how extensive the concrete structures were since everything
was shipped in. Also surprising was the amount of damage everywhere from the
extensive bombing by the Americans. Craters are evident everywhere you
walk. In fact, the only bit of land without damage is the airstrip, which
was repaired. The airstrip was being mowed by the locals using the one lawn
mower on the island in preparation for the weekly plane arriving the next
am. Once mowed, the airstrip also doubles as the local ball field for the

From Taroa, we sailed west to Ollot. Ollot was nice and we had a quick
visit with locals to drop off our sailing permit and snorkel the 2 wrecks in
the lagoon, sunk next to each other in about 35 feet of water. There were
plenty of fish including a few large docile sharks cruising around. They
don't really bother me but there is always a bit of pucker factor when you
know they are there but can't see them. It was a great snorkel however, and
I am sad that my free diving skills will be dormant again in a few days. I
was really having fun underwater the past week and able to get down to about
60 feet. I don't even want to think about how cold the water is back home
at 60 feet!!

For the last leg of our outer islands trip we sailed west to airstrip. This
little island was a treat! Like most of the islands here it is a long skinny
crescent shaped island with a rocky coral side exposed to the ocean and a
sandy sheltered lagoon side. We were warmly greeted by the locals as we
were only the 2nd yacht to visit this island this year! We had a quick tour
and did some trading which saw the locals well outfitted in ball caps, swim
fins, playing cards, fishhooks and other "Treasures of the Bilge". In
return we scored a glass ball for John's collection, a bag of limes, and 3
tasty lobsters!! It was a great finish to our tour of the outer islands.
Next is the overnight passage back to Majuro :(

See you all very soon,


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