Thursday, April 12, 2012

The winds return!!

(April 12 - posted by Mike)

After days of no wind, the trade winds finally returned last night, bringing
with them clear blue skies this morning.

We plan to get the last of our perishables today as well as items for
delivery to the outer island.

With any luck we should be setting sail this afternoon. If the weather holds
out we should stay out until I have to be back at Majuro the day before I
fly out on the 25th. Communication on the outer islands is by radio alone
so no Internet or cell. Hopefully, we can get a few updates out by satellite

Ok it's time to get up and make some hot water for the morning brew and
check the radio. Each morning we listen to the cruisers daily "net"- a radio
broadcast that has local info and weather for the boaters. Let's see what
the latest forecast is!

Fingers crossed!


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