Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fish Speared!!

SUCCESS. Yesterday, John shot his first fish. It has been a while in coming. He first used a pneumatic spear gun, but wasn't able to find any love. Then, in La Paz, he bought a used band spear gun (with Eric's help), and on his first day out, the handle broke right off the shaft. Hmpf. So after a day of being as sad as a young boy who has just lost his puppy dog, he was finally able to put it back together with a wooden dowel, lots of epoxy, and sheer determination.

This afternoon, he tried it again, and he arrived back at the boat with two small fish, one with a big hole in the mid-section, and a broken fishing rod! We were also gifted with a good size fish, shot by Bruce on Far-Fetched. We ate like kings.

If you look closely, you can see the spear hole

This is the guy that broke the fishing rod:
Today, we went snorkeling around the caves on other side of the islands. Again, there were tons of fish, big and small, of all colors and varieties, but none found themselves victim to the spear. We still have fish in the fridge from yesterday, so we're not working too hard at it. I did spot a few scallops, and used Eric's advice to quickly cut the muscle before they had a chance to close up. They are attached to the rocks with their two shells opening up, not like the swimming scallops that we have at home. We brought home a few to sample and enjoyed them with a superb seafood pasta dinner - yummy. (BTW - the recipe was from the new PBS cookbook, for all you Nanaimo-ites).


Kazzy said...

Amazing the things you learn when you least expect it... ah, the fresh seafood sounds DIVINE! congrats on the great catch :D

Naomi said...

Yep -- our hunting and gathering skills are making a comeback. Luckily, we're also pretty good at gathering a few items at the supermercado. No fear of starvation aboard Renova!

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